Legal Action By Williams: Restraining Order

Representative Williams, who just won a Spirit of Independence Award from the Independent Bankers Association for “building bridges”, actually thrives on shutting down discussions about the challenges her constituents and all Coloradans face. This is evidenced by her filing a temporary restraining order, having it served to me when I arrived at the District Seven Democrats meeting this weekend.

I look forward to the opportunity to share the lengths to which Rep. Williams has shut down my right to speak out against her leading the effort to kill the Mortgage Accountability and Housing Stabilization Act, HB13-1249. It is likely the court date will be pushed out so that we can gather as close to a complete set of examples of how Williams has refused to have a dialogue with those who disagree with her, and how such requests have been reasonable.

Click this link to read the redacted “CITATION AND TEMPORARY CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER“. If you find the original online, please note that Rep. Williams and her legal counsel have mistakenly used an old address and incorrect phone number, even though my information is publicly available.


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1 Response to Legal Action By Williams: Restraining Order

  1. odarren says:

    The date for this hearing has been continued to November 13th at 10:30 am, Courtroom 170 (still at 14th and Bannock in Denver).

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